Belize At Your Fingertips!

Thank you for checking out Belize at Your Fingertips!

We’re here to help you learn more about the rich history and culture of Belize.

Plus, we provide first hand experience into what Belize has to offer tourist and locals.

Check out what we have to offer below…

Travel Destinations

Belize Travel Destinations

Belize is a small and humble country in Central America.

It’s divided up into 6 Districts: Corozal, Orange Walk, Belize (District), Cayo, Stann Creek, and Toledo.

Besides land Districts, Belize also offers several islands, cayes, and atolls to check out.

In Travel Destinations, you will find more information about several different areas of Belize that you can visit.

Go Here => Belize Travel Destinations

Adventure & Outdoor Activities

Adventure and Outdoor Activities

Belize offers several different attractions and outdoor activities that you can explore.

You can visit the Actun Tunichil Muknal (ATM) Cave where you’ll explore a cave and see old Mayan artifacts.

View local Belize animals at the Belize Zoo.

Take a dive at Shark Ray Alley for those looking for some danger.

Belize also offers museums, fishing, animal sanctuaries, historical land monuments and much more.

Go Here to Check These Out => Belize Adventure & Outdoor Activities

Travel Tips & Advice

Belize Travel Tips

Firstly, we cover where Belize is located and how to get to Belize.

We also offer a insiders perspective on how to get to and navigate around Belize.

Although Belize has beautiful weather all year round; Belize does have a high tourist season where people are running away from their cold weather to enjoy the cool breeze of Belize.

We also cover any Travel Requirements that are needed to enter Belize.

Go Here => Belize Travel Tips & Advice

Culture & History

Belize Culture and History

Belize is a melting pot of diversity.

There are many different cultures like Mayans, Creole, Garifuna, Mestizo, Asian, and Mennonites that mix together to produce a great nation.

Here you’ll get to learn more about Belize’s history and how Belize came to be.

Plus, information about the economy of Belize and how the different cultures of Belize have been able to work together.

Learn More Here => Belize Culture & History

Mayan History and Ruins

Belize Mayan History and Ruins

Before Belize came to be, there were Mayans scattered across all of Central America.

While the fall of the Mayan Civilization is uncertain, archeologists are working hard to learn more and discover more artifacts about the Mayans.

As a result, Belize has several Maya ruins scattered throughout Belize.

Here you’ll learn more about the history of the Mayan people and also about the ruins you’ll be able to visit.

Learn more here => Mayan History and Ruins